Oct 13, 2008

Decorex 2008 - London

Another great trade show going on in London during September was Decorex 2008. This show featured fabrics and wall coverings, furniture, lighting, floor coverings, accessories and bespoke services from vendors around the world. The show took place in the beautiful venue of the gardens at the Royal Hospital Chelsea in a temporary tent.

It was very interesting to see what is current in the European market since many of the Decorex vendors are not present in U.S. at this time.

Some UK only highlights include www.villiersbrothers.co.uk (original furniture), www.annekyyroquinn.com (sculptural textiles), www.bolon.com (woven vinyl floor coverings). I also found a few wonderful new vendors that do have NYC outposts www.ochre.net (bespoke furniture, lighting, accessories) and www.meditarraneodesign.com (lighting, mirrors, and glassware).

For more information on Decorex 2008, visit www.decorex.com.