Oct 13, 2008

100 % Design - London

I was fortunate enough to be in London during this fall's interior design shows. 100 % Design took place in Earl's Court September 24-27 and showcased contemporary furniture and product design. It was really interesting to see what is leading the market in this genre on the other side of the pond.

Images of some of my favorite pieces from the show are shown in the photos below. The image on the left shows a collapsed storage-ready version of the tables and stools in the image on the right. These items are made from corrugated cardboard and are very sturdy. You can collapse and store a full room of furniture within a few cubic square feet of space!

The bed shown below is literally an elliptical dream. Lighting of various colors and music accessed through your ipod can be controlled while lounging under the sinuous curves of this one of a kind bed. You will never have to get out of bed again!

As part of the 100% Design Show, 100% Future and 100% Materials took place in the same venue. 100% Future showcased emerging new talent while 100% Materials consisted of installations through the exhibit space.

Various workshops were held during the shows as well - the ones I was able to attend were highly informative.

If you would like to learn more about this event got to http://www.100percentdesign.co.uk/.